Thursday, January 24, 2008

Crossword Error

Dear The Toronto Star,
As an senior citizen and avid crossword enthusiast I feel it is my duty to alert you to some mistakes made in your national newspaper today. Rectifying them in tomorrow's edition will certainly increase my own future enjoyment, and hopefully save your paper unneeded embarrassment.

In today's crossword entitled Sudoku there were an unusually large amount of very perplexing printing errors. I'm sure once your staff has a look at the page they will immediately see these bizarre mistakes of which I speak. I'm not familiar with the computer, but I will venture a guess that it might be to blame.

I eagerly look forward to tomorrow's corrected puzzle. It will be my first in many years thanks to recent cataract surgery.

Thank you.

1 comment:


Ya dummy, Soduka is Chinese for tic tac toe!