Saturday, October 4, 2008

Maybe for someone you KNOW?????

A "very" nice man contacted me on FACEDBOOK to give me some "help" with a bunch of things!!!! It turns out I can't "actually" be HELPED, but I fig'red some of my LOYAL READERS may have need of being "serviced" by this nice man! Let me know and I'll "hook" you up!!!!
-Melvin "Mel" Zdarsky!


Aron Glenford Airall
April 29 at 12:52pm
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Hi Melvin,
Nice to meet you and thanks for the add (no pun intended). How are you doing? Am looking to help fulfill a need, improved health, well-being, quality of life or helping people make money, save money, get out of debt, and provide people with an opportunity to run their own office. If this is not of interest to you or someone you love, am sorry to intrude. Take care!

Melvin Zdarsky
April 29 at 12:58pm

Wow!!! HOw are you able to do all that??? I am 79 years old so I can "always" use more money and better health!!! LOL!!!

Aron Glenford Airall
April 29 at 1:24pm
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Anything is possible with God Melvin! Let's start with your health first Melvin. How are you doing? Don't feel like running 5km? Got something for you. Our mission is to help you achieve wellness naturally and get you well inside out with chiropractic, and also to help those who are needlessly suffering. Chiropractic has never been about back or neck pain. The questions to ask Melvin are:
Do you believe that your body is functioning at 100%? How long do you want to live? What quality of life? You are going to make health care choices Melvin. The choice that you make tonight will impact you and your family for years to come. Research shows that patients under Network Care reported significant improvements in overall health, well-being, and quality of life.

Chiropractic Health Associates is offering an initial examination
and two follow-up appointments (valued at $155) for only $40
for the first 10 people with this ad until April 30.

No medical referral is necessary
In health,

Aron Glenford Airall
April 29 at 1:25pm
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As for wealth Melvin,
Ever thought of running your own business and being your own boss? We will provide you with training. No financial degree or background is necessary be your own boss at Primerica Financial Services. The only qualifications you need to have is that you have leadership skills, be a "good" person that likes to help people, 9.5 attitude, hard working, and coachable. For more info you can check out our website at and/or if you know any men or women that may be interested. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Primerica Financial Services
Primerica Financial Services
Primerica is in the business of changing lives. Our mission is to help families become debt free and financially independent.

Melvin Zdarsky
April 29 at 3:34pm

Jeez Louise! I can't even WALK 5km!!! My nurse has actually told me that my body is "functioning" at 15%, but that's mostly due to my dead arm and my kidney cancer (IN REMISSION!!).

As for running my own business, I can't even imagine!!! I help out with raffles in the neighbourhood, but only for ten minutes at a time (I get SO TIRED!!) I do have $2,000 in savings though. Do you think Primamerica is for me????


Aron Glenford Airall
April 29 at 4:23pm
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Wow Mel!
For the initial examination it will take about 15 minutes to complete the paperwork. These forms will give us information about your health status. The 1st form is your informed consent form. The 2nd form is your patient privacy consent form. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th forms are your comprehensive health profile. The cost of your initial examination when you come in this week Jeff is valued at $155.00 which consists of a thorough neurological, orthopedic, physical, postural, and spinal examination, looking for subluxations that will cause many unwanted health problems, things that nobody has ever looked for before, and an adjustment done on the same day. Mel, not to mention your second appointment, your report of findings, and second adjustment. You will leave here with a much more comprehensive view of your body and health. Is that O.K Mel?

Aron Glenford Airall
April 29 at 4:26pm
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Well Mel the first thing to understand is that you are going into the business of changing lives. In order to get you started we need to set-up an interview at our office 951 Wilson Ave Unit 4 (Keele & Wilson) on Wednesday May 7 from 7:00pm-8:30pm or Saturday May 3 from 9:45am-12:30pm. If you qualify or this is of interest to you Mel we will fill out an Independent Business Application for $99 and for an additional $25/month receive our incredible business building support system via full-service Primerica Online. You can work the business anyway you want to as long as it is compliant with the financial services commission of Ontario and Primerica. As for work you will be meeting clients at their homes, your home, the office or anywhere that is conducive to their needs. Outside of that Mell, you will need to be committed to meeting at the office on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm and Saturday mornings from 9:30am-12:30pm. After you sign your independent business application we will set-up an appointment with our Regional Vice President Daniel Pirillo to schedule your training. Payment qualifies you to get your life licensing and securities fees paid for. Training is analogous to an apprenticeship. Daniel is a six figure income earner, so you will be taught by only the best. If you want more information come to the office or you can speak to Daniel Pirillo at the office 416.245.6397. Is that O.K with you Mel?

Melvin Zdarsky
April 29 at 4:49pm

" Wednesday nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm "

Can't do it!!! That's "Wild Wednesdays" here at my SENIORS complex. We have a GREAT spread of wonderful "meats" and I'm in charge of gravying, which may not sound like "much," but I had to wait for Phil Snel to "pass on" in order to get the position and Charlie is itching to grab my "ladel!!" I can;t miss Wednesdays. Besides, I can;t be outside past 8.

I'm terrible with paperowrk! I always let my nephew "Chip" look over everything as he also has my Attorney Power. I will have to let him see these "forms!"


Aron Glenford Airall
April 29 at 10:51pm
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Sorry to hear that Mel.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pass up a delicious selection of "meats" either. That's for sure.

delia jones said...

thank you so much for this